Me and my boys

Hi and welcome to the most interesting place on the internet, my blog!

As you have probably guessed, my name is Dasia. Pronounced DUH-S’EYE-Uhhhh….really draw out that last uhhhhh.

I am a 30 something year old mom living in a hot 20-something year old super model body. I am actually pushing 5 foot 2 inches. My grandma used to say, “Dynamite comes in small packages” and I am living proof. Both in my bubbly, intoxicating, personality and that I can fly off the handle at any moment! Haha. I’ve been married to my lucky husband, Scott for 13 something years. We have 3 boys; Major, Judge (who’s self-proclaimed nickname is Judgey-Hotdog), and Rush. Am I going to try for a girl? That is the question I get asked most often these days. Rush was me trying for a girl! Somehow, I’ve always known that I would be an all “boy mom” and I am totally ok with that. I am extremely blessed that God has given me boys.

I worked as a graphic t-shirt designer, creative director and sales rep for 12 years. After having Major, I decided to become a full-time stay-at-home mom. However, my desire to be creative only grew stronger and lead me on the path of interior design and DIY projects. I ran a blog for a few years logging our renovation on our 1910 Highland Park bungalow and when we moved back to Temecula. If you want to see those old posts, you can visit However, I finally decided it is time to OWN my blog. So here we are!

Thank you for following along and visiting.