One of the best things, and there are hundreds, but one of the best things about any kind of remodel is the organizing that ensues afterward. If you are like me, if you’ve spent all this time and money to make it look better on the outside, it better look just as good on the inside. When the kitchen remodel was coming to an end, I knew that I wasn’t just going to throw everything back into the cabinets. I needed to find new homes for things and rethink where everything *should go. There is an order to which things should be stored.

For example, I host family gatherings and parties quite often. The number one thing that people go in the kitchen to get at a party (if plastic ones aren’t set out) is a glass! Utensils and plates are also high on that list. In my kitchen, I wanted those things to be easily accessible and to not interfere if I am in the kitchen cooking. Also, if people are opening my drawers and cabinets, I want it too look nice. I am definitely not an “out of sight, out of mind” person. I used to be, but as I have gotten older, the devil is in the details. I’ll probably use that a lot on this blog!

Before we redid the kitchen, we had a drawer full of sunglasses but there was no organization. They were all piled on top of each other… even if they were expensive. Because I always wanted to gut the kitchen, I never spent the money on organizers. I should have though. This made me feel so good!
When you have over 30 place settings, you MUST organize it. It can get out of hand!
This used to be one of my junk drawers. This is my go-to drawer for all those odds and ends that you just don’t want to put out in the garage. Scissors and tape go together when you are an Amazon Prime member. You know this! Lighters, tiny screwdrivers, wood putty, extra wine stoppers, and of course that giant knife that is only used for protection, errr…. haha!
At some point, I will buy all matching spoons, tongs, and ladles. For now, at least it’s organized!

By the time the kitchen was mostly finished, I was 39 weeks pregnant. I was in a mad dash to get everything cleaned up and put back together. I went to 3 different Target’s to get all my organizers because I bought each store out! Yes, I could have ordered them all online here and here but I wanted immediate satisfaction! Online shopping is great, except for when I want something and want to finish a project in one day. Target really has the best deal on these bamboo organizers. I know there are companies that I can do custom fit organizers, but that will be a project for another day. I had to get my kitchen back in working order before I delivered my third baby, so Target was my best option!